Tinto de Verano – Spain’s Ultimate Summer Drink

Tinto de Verano – Spaniens Ultimative Sommerdrink

Tinto de Verano betyder bogstaveligt talt "sommerens rødvin", og det er præcis, hvad det er – en læskende kombination af rødvin og gaseosa (en mild citronsodavand, der minder om Sprite eller Fanta ...
White Sangria – The Ultimate Summer Wine Experience
Food & Wine

Hvid Sangria – Den Ultimative Sommeroplevelse

Hvid sangria er en frisk og frugtig variation af den klassiske spanske drik, perfekt til varme sommerdage. Med hvidvin, friske frugter og et strejf af appelsinlikør er det en forfriskende og elegan...
Live Webcam of Balcón de Europa, Nerja – The Best Views of Costa del Sol
Balcón de Europa

Live webcam fra Balcón de Europa, Nerja – Den bedste udsigt over Costa del Sol

Oplev den fantastiske skønhed ved Balcón de Europa i Nerja, Malaga, gennem vores live webcam! Beliggende i hjertet af Costa del Sol tilbyder dette ikoniske udsigtspunkt på klippen spektakulære pano...
Paella – A Culinary Journey to the Heart of Valencia

Paella – En Kulinarisk Rejse til Valencias Hjerte

Paella er meget mere end bare en ret – det er et stykke af Spaniens sjæl. Født i Valencias solrige regioner blev paella skabt af bønder og fiskere, der ønskede at kombinere det bedste fra land og hav.
Freixenet - A Sparkling Icon in the World of Wine - Corkframes.com

Freixenet - Et Skinnende Ikon i Vinverdenen

Freixenet er mere end bare en producent af cava – de er et symbol på fest, glæde og samvær. Uanset om det er til et bryllup, en forretningssucces eller bare en middag med venner, har Freixenet en c...
Discover Frigiliana - A Hidden Gem Near Nerja - Corkframes.com

Oplev Frigiliana - En Skjult Perle Nær Nerja

Frigiliana er en perfekt destination for dem, der søger en kombination af historie, vinoplevelser og storslåede landskaber. Dens charmerende atmosfære, kombineret med dens nærhed til Nerja, gør den...
A Harmonious Evening at Origin Palmanova Rooftop on Mallorca - Corkframes.com

En Dejlig Aften på Origin Palmanova Rooftop på Mallorca

Alt i alt var mit besøg på Origin Palmanova Rooftop en dejlig oplevelse. Kombinationen af lækker mad, omhyggeligt blandede cocktails og en uovertruffen udsigt gør det til et sted, jeg varmt vil anb...
The Most Famous Wineries in Mallorca - Corkframes.com
Bodega José L. Ferrer

De Mest Berømte Vingårde på Mallorca

Mallorca tilbyder en spændende og varieret vinoplevelse, der kombinerer tradition, innovation og unikke druesorter. Øens mest berømte vingårde repræsenterer det bedste af, hvad regionen har at byde...
Bodega José L. Ferrer - A Journey Through Mallorca’s Wine Tradition - Corkframes.com

Bodega José L. Ferrer - En Rejse Gennem Mallorcas Vintradition

Bodega José L. Ferrer er mere end bare en vingård – det er en del af Mallorcas kulturarv. Et besøg her giver ikke kun et indblik i regionens vintraditioner, men også en chance for at smage nogle af...
A Guide to the Coziest Rooftop Bars in Palma, Mallorca - Corkframes.com

En Guide til de Hyggeligste Rooftop Barer i Palma de Mallorca

Disse rooftop barer repræsenterer det bedste, Palma de Mallorca har at tilbyde, når det kommer til stil, komfort og selvfølgelig fantastiske udsigter. Uanset hvilken du vælger, vil du opleve den sæ...
Sangria - A Festive Red Wine Punch with Rich History - Corkframes.com

Sangria - En Festlig Rødvinsbowl med Rig Historie

Sangria er ikke kun lækker, men også alsidig, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at tilpasse den til dine præferencer og de sæsonbestemte frugter, der er tilgængelige. Det er en perfekt drik til varmt ...
Crema Catalana Recipe - A Traditional Spanish Dessert - Corkframes.com
Catalan Cream

Crema Catalana Recipe - A Traditional Spanish Dessert

Crema Catalana, also known as Catalan Cream, is a traditional Spanish dessert very similar to the French crème brûlée. Originating from Catalonia, it is one of the oldest desserts in Europe, dating...
The Number One Ranked Tapas Bar In Barcelona! - Corkframes.com

The Number One Ranked Tapas Bar In Barcelona!

Below bars represent the best of Barcelona's tapas scene, offering a mix of traditional and innovative dishes in unique and welcoming environments.
The Best Wine Bars in Barcelona - Corkframes.com
Bar Guide

The Best Wine Bars in Barcelona

One of the top wine bars in Barcelona, known for its impressive wine selection, charming atmosphere, and prime location, is La Vinya del Senyor. Situated in the picturesque El Born neighborhood, di...
Wineries You Have To Visit In Cava - Corkframes.com
Agustí Torelló Mata

Wineries You Have To Visit In Cava

The Cava Region offers a deep dive into Spanish winemaking culture while enjoying picturesque scenery and local delicacies. Corkframes Events have put together a list of the most significant and en...
Discover the Best Mojitos and Piña Coladas in Nerja at Restaurant El Tocororo - Corkframes.com

Discover the Best Mojitos and Piña Coladas in Nerja at Restaurant El Tocororo

Nestled in this charming coastal town of Nerja, El Tocororo has gained a reputation not only for its delicious Mediterranean and Cuban cuisine but also for its exceptional drinks, especially their ...
Which Country Produces the Most Wine in the World? - Corkframes.com

Which Country Produces the Most Wine in the World?

Italy is the leading wine-producing country in the world, with an impressive annual production of approximately 4.8 million tons of wine. This places Italy ahead of other major wine producers like ...
Nerja - enjoy a glass of wine and receive a free tapa! - Corkframes.com
Food & Wine

Nerja - enjoy a glass of wine and receive a free tapa!

In Nerja, there are several fantastic wine bars and restaurants where you can enjoy a drink and receive a free tapa. And the prices are really good compared to many other places.
Exploring the Rich History of Spain's Wine Regions - Corkframes.com

Exploring the Rich History of Spain's Wine Regions

Spain is renowned for its diverse wine regions and rich winemaking tradition, with viticulture dating back thousands of years. Corkframes have studied the regions more closely and here is an overvi...
Antigua Casa de Guardia - Malaga’s Historic Wine Gem - Corkframes.com

Antigua Casa de Guardia - Malaga’s Historic Wine Gem

Nestled in the heart of Malaga, Antigua Casa de Guardia is not just a wine bar; it is a venerable institution that dates back to 1840. Renowned as the oldest wine bar in the city, this establishmen...
Tempranillo, the grape that put Spain on the wine map - Corkframes.com
Red Wine

Tempranillo, the grape that put Spain on the wine map

Tempranillo is the grape that put Spain on the wine map and is cultivated in some of the foremost regions like Rioja and Ribera del Duero. Besides making a differens on the Spain Wine Map, what oth...


Just like many other wines, Cava also comes in a variety of styles and classifications. These classifications are based on aging time, sugar content, and the grape varieties used in production. Her...
The Sparkling History of Cava - Origins and Production - Corkframes.com

Den boblende historie om Cava - Oprindelse og Produktion

Cava, den dejlige mousserende vin fra Spanien, er blevet et populært valg for vinelskere over hele verden. Kendt for sin forfriskende smag og overkommelighed, har cava etableret sig som en værdig k...
CORKFRAME 500 – 51×75 CM - Corkframes.com
The Reason Why?

Why a Corkframe?

Why you should save your wine corks in a cork frame from Corkframes?

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