Store your wine corks in a Corkframe!

How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine?
Food & Wine

Hvor mange kalorier er der i et glas vin?

Kalorieindholdet i et glas vin varierer afhængigt af vintype, alkoholindhold og sukkerniveau. Et standardglas vin er cirka 15 cl. Her er en oversigt over de mest almindelige vintyper og deres kalor...
Sangria Recipe per Glass -

Sangriaopskrift per Glas

Sangria er en traditionel spansk punch, der perfekt blander rødvin, frisk frugt og en smule brandy. Denne forfriskende og livlige drik er ideel til sommerfester, uformelle sammenkomster eller blot ...
Crema Catalana Recipe - A Traditional Spanish Dessert -
Catalan Cream

Crema Catalana Recipe - A Traditional Spanish Dessert

Crema Catalana, also known as Catalan Cream, is a traditional Spanish dessert very similar to the French crème brûlée. Originating from Catalonia, it is one of the oldest desserts in Europe, dating...
CORKFRAME 500 – 51×75 CM -
The Reason Why?

Why a Corkframe?

Why you should save your wine corks in a cork frame from Corkframes?

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