Furmint, Hárslevelű, and Sárga Muskotály – The Golden Trio of Hungarian Wine

Furmint, Hárslevelű og Sárga Muskotály – Tokajs gyldne trio

Det unikke ved Tokaj-regionen er, hvordan disse tre druer supplerer hinanden. Furmint giver struktur og syre, Hárslevelű tilfører fylde og aroma, og Sárga Muskotály bidrager med blomstrede og citru...
Gewürz-traminer – The Aromatic Wine with Exotic Character

Gewürz-traminer – Den aromatiske vin med en eksotisk karakter

Gewürztraminer er en vin, der skiller sig ud. Med sin intense duft, fyldige struktur og krydrede undertoner giver den en smagsoplevelse, som få andre vine kan matche.
Which Wines Are Best Suited for Aging? Corkframes Guide to Long-Lived Wines

Hvilke vine egner sig bedst til lagring? Ekspertens guide til langtidsholdbare vine

At vælge den rette vin til lagring handler om at forstå, hvilke vine der udvikler sig og forbedres med tiden. Ikke alle vine er skabt til langtidsopbevaring; mange er bedst at drikke unge og friske...
Gratinated Lobster – A Culinary Delight for Special Occasions

Gratineret hummer – En delikatesse til særlige lejligheder

Leder du efter en imponerende, men enkel ret til at løfte din middag? Gratineret hummer er det perfekte valg til både festlige lejligheder og romantiske middage. Med sin cremede fyldning og gyldne ...
How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine?
Food & Wine

Hvor mange kalorier er der i et glas vin?

Kalorieindholdet i et glas vin varierer afhængigt af vintype, alkoholindhold og sukkerniveau. Et standardglas vin er cirka 15 cl. Her er en oversigt over de mest almindelige vintyper og deres kalor...
Hungary's Most Interesting Wine Regions - A Journey for Wine Enthusiasts - Corkframes.com

Ungarns Mest Interessante Vinregioner - En Rejse for Vinelskere

Ungarn er et vinland med en rig historie og en mangfoldighed af smagsoplevelser, fra de søde Tokaji-vine til kraftige røde fra Villány og elegante hvide fra vulkanske områder som Somló og Badacsony...
The Revival of Orange Wine - An Ancient Wine Rediscovered - Corkframes.com
California Wine Region

Genopdagelsen af Orangevin - En Gammel Vin Genfødt

Orangevinens genfødsel er kun lige begyndt. Dens unikke egenskaber, rige historie og komplekse smagsprofil får den til at skille sig ud på dagens vinmarked. For vinelskere, der søger nye og spænden...
Vinho Verde - A Fresh and Youthful Wine Experience - Corkframes.com

Vinho Verde - A Fresh and Youthful Wine Experience

Vinho Verde is a wine that captures the essence of Portuguese wine tradition – lighthearted, fresh, and full of life. It is a wine that is easy to enjoy and offers a delightful experience for both ...
Mariettes Swedish Fish Soup with Dill - Corkframes.com

Mariettes Swedish Fish Soup with Dill

Mariette's Fish Stew with Dill is a delightful and nutritious dish that combines the delicate flavors of fresh fish and seafood with vibrant vegetables and aromatic herbs. It is easy to make and is...
Napa Valley - A World Known Wine Destination - Corkframes.com
Cabernet Sauvignon

Napa Valley - A World Known Wine Destination

Napa Valley is a world-renowned wine region that offers a rich history, diverse wine varietals, and a plethora of wine-related activities. Its combination of natural beauty, exceptional wines, and ...
Bodega Catena Zapata - Argentina's Wine Jewel - Corkframes.com

Bodega Catena Zapata - Argentina's Wine Jewel

Bodega Catena Zapata is arguably the most famous vineyard in Argentina, with a rich history and a pivotal role in bringing Argentine wines, especially Malbec, to international acclaim.
A Deep Dive In To The Rheingau Wine Region - Corkframes.com

A Deep Dive In To The Rheingau Wine Region

The Rheingau Region, one of Germany's most prestigious and historically significant wine areas, is nestled along the picturesque Rhine River. The Rheingau Region is renowned for its exceptional Rie...
Positive Trend for Swedish Wine Production. - Corkframes.com

Positive Trend for Swedish Wine Production.

There are several Swedish white wines available on the market, produced by various vineyards known for their quality and unique flavors. The increasing number of Swedish vineyards points to a posit...
Why Can Red Wine Cause Headaches? - Corkframes.com
Red Wine

Why Can Red Wine Cause Headaches?

Many people experience headaches after drinking red wine, and this can be attributed to several factors. One of the factors can be the levels of histamines. Here are some types of wines that genera...
Sauvignon Blanc: The Crisp Queen of White Wines - Corkframes.com

Sauvignon Blanc: The Crisp Queen of White Wines

As the sun beams down on the vineyards of the Loire Valley in France, a fresh and grassy aroma wafts through the air, reminiscent of summer meadows and crisp green apples. This scent emanates from ...
CORKFRAME 500 – 51×75 CM - Corkframes.com
The Reason Why?

Why a Corkframe?

Why you should save your wine corks in a cork frame from Corkframes?

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