Store your wine corks in a Corkframe!

Swedish Wine Regions – A Growing Wine Tradition -

Les Régions Viticoles Suédoises – Une Tradition Vinicole en Pleine Croissance

Les régions viticoles suédoises sont encore jeunes, mais elles se développent rapidement et s’établissent comme faisant partie du monde viticole mondial. Les vignobles suédois montrent qu’il est p...
Bourgogne Wine Map – One of the World’s Most Beloved Wine Regions -

Carte des vins de Bourgogne – L'une des régions viticoles les plus appréciées au monde

La carte des vins détaillée de Bourgogne de Corkframes offre une vue d'ensemble des différentes zones et de leurs vins, des prestigieux vins rouges de la Côte de Nuits aux blancs vifs de Chablis. L...
Emerging Wine Regions - Discover the World's Hidden Wine Gems -

Nouvelles Régions Viticoles en Plein Essor - Découvrez les Trésors Cachés du Vin

La découverte de ces nouvelles régions viticoles ouvre la porte à un monde de saveurs qui vont au-delà des pays viticoles classiques. Les vignerons de ces régions combinent des traditions anciennes...
Sardinia's Wine Regions: A Medit-erranean Treasure -

Les Régions Viticoles de la Sardaigne: Un Trésor Médi-terranéen

Pour les amateurs de vin, la Sardaigne offre un fascinant voyage de découverte, où chaque bouteille porte en elle une partie de l'âme de l'île. Avec ses cépages indigènes et ses différences régiona...
The Douro Valley - Portugal’s Most Famous Wine Region -
Douro DOC Wines

The Douro Valley - Portugal’s Most Famous Wine Region

The Douro Valley is a must-visit destination for wine lovers. Its combination of stunning scenery, rich history, and exceptional wines makes it one of the most celebrated wine regions in the world.
Regions and Important Areas in Bourgogne, from North to South -

Régions et Zones Importantes en Bourgogne, du Nord au Sud

La Bourgogne, située à l'est de la France, s'étend de Chablis au nord jusqu'à Beaujolais au sud. Cette région est mondialement célèbre pour ses vins exceptionnels, notamment ceux élaborés à partir ...
Bodega José L. Ferrer - A Journey Through Mallorca’s Wine Tradition -

Bodega José L. Ferrer : Un Voyage à Travers la Tradition Viticole de Majorque

Bodega José L. Ferrer est plus qu'une simple cave, c'est une partie du patrimoine culturel de Majorque. Une visite ici vous offre non seulement un aperçu des traditions viticoles de la région, mais...
Mendoza: Argentina's Most Famous Wine District -

Mendoza : Le District Vinicole le Plus Célèbre d'Argentine

La combinaison unique d'histoire, de terroir et d'innovation a consolidé Mendoza comme le district vinicole le plus célèbre d'Argentine. Ses vins exceptionnels, en particulier le Malbec, continuent...
Discover Txakoli: A Wine Enthusiast's Guide to Basque Country's Hidden Gem -

Txakoli : Découvrez le Trésor Vinicole du Pays Basque

Le Txakoli est un vin qui incarne vraiment la culture et le terroir uniques du Pays Basque. Pour les amateurs de vin, il offre une expérience de dégustation rafraîchissante et excitante qui se dist...
Discovering Bilbao: A Hidden Gem in the World of Wine -

Découvrir Bilbao : Un Trésor Caché dans le Monde du Vin

Bien que Bilbao n'ait peut-être pas encore la même reconnaissance que d'autres régions viticoles renommées, elle est sans aucun doute un trésor caché qui vaut la peine d'être exploré. Des vignobles...
The Most Expensive Bottle of Red Wine Ever Sold -

La Bouteille de Vin Rouge la Plus Chère Jamais Vendue

La vente de la Romanée-Conti 1945 pour 558 000 dollars est un témoignage de l'incroyable attrait et de la valeur des grands vins. Elle illustre le mélange de rareté, de qualité et de signification ...
Food and Wine in Morocco - A Culinary Journey -
Beni M’Tir

Food and Wine in Morocco - A Culinary Journey

Morocco's culinary landscape is a vibrant and flavorful journey that reflects the country's rich cultural heritage. As the Moroccan wine industry continues to grow, it offers an exciting opportunit...
Vinho Verde - A Fresh and Youthful Wine Experience -

Vinho Verde - A Fresh and Youthful Wine Experience

Vinho Verde is a wine that captures the essence of Portuguese wine tradition – lighthearted, fresh, and full of life. It is a wine that is easy to enjoy and offers a delightful experience for both ...
Napa Valley - A World Known Wine Destination -
Cabernet Sauvignon

Napa Valley - A World Known Wine Destination

Napa Valley is a world-renowned wine region that offers a rich history, diverse wine varietals, and a plethora of wine-related activities. Its combination of natural beauty, exceptional wines, and ...
Best Vineyards in California -
Cabernet Sauvignon

Best Vineyards in California

California is home to some of the most renowned vineyards in the world, offering diverse and high-quality wine experiences. California's vineyards offer something for every wine enthusiast, from th...
Bodega Catena Zapata - Argentina's Wine Jewel -

Bodega Catena Zapata - Argentina's Wine Jewel

Bodega Catena Zapata is arguably the most famous vineyard in Argentina, with a rich history and a pivotal role in bringing Argentine wines, especially Malbec, to international acclaim.
Malbec - The Pride of South America -

Malbec - The Pride of South America

Malbec has truly put South America, and particularly Argentina, on the global wine map. Its success is a testament to the region's unique growing conditions and the skill of its winemakers. For win...
The Five Most Famous Wine Regions in Germany -

The Five Most Famous Wine Regions in Germany

Germany’s wine regions are known for its picturesque landscapes, rich history, and cultural heritage, is also renowned for its exceptional wine regions. These regions produce some of the world’s fi...
Nebbiolo - one of Italy's most prestigious and historic grapes -

Nebbiolo - one of Italy's most prestigious and historic grapes

Nebbiolo is one of Italy's most prestigious and historic grape varieties, primarily grown in the Piedmont region. Known for producing some of Italy's most celebrated wines.Nebbiolo is a grape that...
France wine regions and their famous wines -

France wine regions and their famous wines

France is renowned for its diverse and high-quality wine regions. Each of these France wine regions has its own unique terroir, grape varieties, and winemaking traditions, contributing to the rich ...
Discover the Most Famous Vineyard in California: Robert Mondavi Winery and Other Iconic Vineyards -

Discover the Most Famous Vineyard in California: Robert Mondavi Winery and Other Iconic Vineyards

One of the most famous vineyards in California is Napa Valley's Robert Mondavi Winery. Established in 1966 by Robert Mondavi, this winery is renowned for its contributions to the reputation of Cali...
Sauvignon Blanc: The Crisp Queen of White Wines -

Sauvignon Blanc: The Crisp Queen of White Wines

As the sun beams down on the vineyards of the Loire Valley in France, a fresh and grassy aroma wafts through the air, reminiscent of summer meadows and crisp green apples. This scent emanates from ...
Tempranillo, the grape that put Spain on the wine map -
Red Wine

Tempranillo, the grape that put Spain on the wine map

Tempranillo is the grape that put Spain on the wine map and is cultivated in some of the foremost regions like Rioja and Ribera del Duero. Besides making a differens on the Spain Wine Map, what oth...
Italia Wine Map - Wine Map Collection by Corkframes -

Italia Wine Map - Wine Map Collection by Corkframes

The Italian wine map is particularly significant for many wine lovers. Italy's wine regions, from north to south, are renowned worldwide for their diverse wines that reflect the country's richness...
CORKFRAME 500 – 51×75 CM -
The Reason Why?

Why a Corkframe?

Why you should save your wine corks in a cork frame from Corkframes?

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