Store your wine corks in a Corkframe!

Discover High Coast Whisky – A Swedish Treasure of World-Class Quality -
High Coast

Tutustu High Coast Whiskyyn – Ruotsalainen Maailmanluokan Aarre

High Coast Whisky todistaa, että maailmanluokan viski ei ole vain perinteisten viskimaiden tuote. Ainutlaatuisen sijaintinsa, paikallisten raaka-aineidensa ja huolellisen tuotantoprosessinsa ansios...
Skåne – A Growing Wine Region in Southern Sweden -
Kullaberg Vineyard

Skåne – Kasvava Viinialue Etelä-Ruotsissa

Skånen matka Ruotsin viinintuotannon keskukseksi on yhdistelmä suotuisaa ilmastoa, oikeita maaperäolosuhteita, innovatiivisia viinintuottajia ja vahvoja yhteyksiä paikalliseen ruokaan ja matkailuun.
Swedish Wine Regions – A Growing Wine Tradition -

Ruotsin Viinialueet – Kasvava Viiniperinne

Ruotsin viinialueet ovat vielä nuoria, mutta ne kasvavat nopeasti ja vakiinnuttavat asemansa osana globaalia viinimaailmaa. Ruotsalaiset viinitilat osoittavat, että viileämmässä ilmastossa voi tuo...
Swedish Meatballs with Cream Sauce and Wine Pairing -

Ruotsalaiset Lihapullat Kermakastikkeella ja Viinisuosituksella

Olipa kyseessä sitten lämmin perheateria tai haluat tehdä vaikutuksen vieraisiin, tämä yhdistelmä maukkaita lihapullia, kermaista kastiketta ja täydellisesti yhteensopivaa viiniä on varmasti mieluisa.
Positive Trend for Swedish Wine Production. -

Positive Trend for Swedish Wine Production.

There are several Swedish white wines available on the market, produced by various vineyards known for their quality and unique flavors. The increasing number of Swedish vineyards points to a posit...
Corkframes wish you all a Happy Swedish Midsummer! -

Corkframes wish you all a Happy Swedish Midsummer!

Corkframes would like to wish you all a very Happy Swedish Midsummer. We hope you enjoy this wonderful Swedish celebration with your loved ones, surrounded by good food, music, and joy.
The Oldest Champagne in the World -

The Oldest Champagne in the World

The oldest known drinkable champagnes come from a shipwreck discovered in the Baltic Sea, with bottles from champagne houses such as Veuve Clicquot. The prices of these bottles make them some of th...
The History of Swedish Midsummer -

The History of Swedish Midsummer

Swedish Midsummer, or "Midsommar," is one of the most cherished and traditional celebrations in Sweden, deeply rooted in the country's history and cultural heritage. The origins of Midsummer date b...
Swedish Midsummer and matching midsummer food to wine! -
Food & Wine

Swedish Midsummer and matching midsummer food to wine!

Choosing the best wine for a traditional Swedish Midsummer meal can be challenging since the meal often consists of a variety of dishes with different flavors. Here are some recommendations that pa...
Choosing the right drink to traditional Swedish Easter food -

Choosing the right drink to traditional Swedish Easter food

Choosing the right drink to accompany traditional Swedish Easter food can truly enhance the dining experience. Swedish Easter meals often include a mix of salty, smoky, and sweet dishes, which make...
CORKFRAME 500 – 51×75 CM -
The Reason Why?

Why a Corkframe?

Why you should save your wine corks in a cork frame from Corkframes?

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