Store your wine corks in a Corkframe!

How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine?
Food & Wine

How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine?

The calorie content of a glass of wine varies depending on the type of wine, alcohol content, and sugar levels. A standard glass of wine is approximately 15 cl, and here’s an overview of common win...
How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine? -
Calorie Guide

How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine?

The calorie content in wine varies widely depending on the type, sweetness, and alcohol content. Here are some averages for a 15 cl serving:
CORKFRAME 500 – 51×75 CM -
The Reason Why?

Why a Corkframe?

Why you should save your wine corks in a cork frame from Corkframes?

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