The protection of your personal data is important to us at Corkframes Sweden AB. In the privacy policy, you can read about how we process your personal data and what rights you have regarding personal data.

Personal data controller

The data controller for the processing of your personal data is:
Corkframes Sweden AB559271-2854

What personal data do we collect, and from where?

When you are in contact with us (e.g. when making a purchase, filling in a form or visiting the website) we collect personal data about you. The information we collect is name, social security number, address, e-mail address and telephone number, purchase, order and usage history, IP address and information that you provide to our customer service.

We collect your address from the population register or you fill it in yourself on our website.

That is why we process your personal data

We process your personal data for the following purposes and with the support of the following legal grounds:


We process personal data for processing orders and for sending notifications about delivery status.

The processing is necessary for us to be able to fulfill our agreement with you.

Customer service matters

We process personal data to handle customer service matters such as e.g. questions, complaints and warranty matters.

The processing takes place in order to be able to help you with your customer service matters, which is our legitimate interest, as well as to fulfill obligations by law in the case of complaints and warranty matters.


We process personal data to send offers and marketing via e-mail, post and SMS. We also recommend products on the website and send personalized offers and reminders about products that are still in your shopping cart. This processing may include profiling.

The processing takes place with your consent for direct marketing or for our legitimate interest in sending direct marketing.

Improvement and development

We process personal data in order to improve and develop our service, our products and our technical systems.

The processing takes place for our legitimate interest in being able to update, improve and develop service, products and technical systems.

Fulfillment of obligations under law

We process personal data in order to comply with applicable laws, e.g. accounting, tax or product safety laws.

The processing takes place to fulfill obligations according to law.

Prevention of abuse and crime

We process personal data to prevent misuse of our services and to prevent crime, e.g. fraud.

The processing takes place for our legitimate interest in preventing and preventing abuse and illegal use of our services.

Those who receive the personal data

We may share personal data with others but only when permitted by law. Those with whom personal data is shared can be e.g. authorities, logistics companies, marketing companies or other suppliers. We have signed personal data processing agreements with suppliers who handle personal data on our behalf.

Transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA

In some cases, we may transfer personal data to legal entities in countries outside the EU/EEA. In such cases, the transfer takes place either to countries in which the European Commission has decided that there is an adequate level of protection, using standard contract clauses approved by the European Commission or other appropriate protective measures. Transfer to the USA can also take place in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Shield.

As long as the personal data is saved

We save the personal data as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or as long as it is required by law or other regulations.

Purchases and order history are saved as long as we are obliged to do so in order to comply with legal requirements.

Customer service data related to purchases and complaints is saved as long as we are obliged to do so to comply with requirements according to law. Communications with our service desk that we do not have to save to comply with legal requirements are deleted after six months.

Data for marketing is saved until you request to no longer receive marketing material or when you have been inactive for three years.

Data for the prevention of abuse and crime is saved for as long as we need it to prevent or report crime (eg fraud).

Your rights

We will respond to your request regarding any of your rights as soon as possible but no later than within one month.

When permitted by applicable law, we may charge an administrative fee to comply with a request as set forth below.


You have the right to receive information about how we process your personal data and a copy of the personal data.


You can request that incorrect or incomplete data be corrected.


You have the right to have your personal data deleted in the following cases:

* The personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;

* You have withdrawn your consent to the processing of the personal data and there is no other legal basis for the processing;

* You have objected to the processing of personal data based on our legitimate interest and your interest outweighs it;

* We have processed the personal data in an illegal manner;

* The personal data must be deleted to fulfill a legal obligation.

Limitation of treatment

* You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted in the following cases:

* You dispute the correctness of the personal data, during a time that gives us the opportunity to check whether the personal data is correct.

* We have processed the personal data in an illegal manner and you object to the deletion of the personal data and instead request that its use be restricted.

* You need the personal data to be able to establish, assert or defend legal claims, but we no longer need the personal data for the purposes for which they were processed.

You have objected to the processing of your personal data and we assess over a period of time whose legitimate interest comes first.

Objection to processing

You have the right to object to such processing of your personal data that we process on the basis of a legitimate interest. The processing ends in such a case if we do not have a legitimate interest that takes precedence over your interests or if we have to continue the processing to defend legal claims.

Objection to direct marketing

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for direct marketing. You can object to direct marketing by contacting customer service. If you have made such an objection, we will stop processing your personal data for direct marketing.

Data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us and that we process automatically due to an agreement with you or due to your consent, in a structured, common and machine-readable format.


If you are dissatisfied with how we process your personal data, you can contact us or submit a complaint to a supervisory authority


We use so-called cookies on the website. The information that is collected and analyzed with the help of cookies is used to adapt and streamline our services, the content of the website, offers and advertisements to the visitor, as well as to increase the security of the website.

Briefly described, it works like this: All information that should remain between two page loads must somehow be linked to a specific user. This is done by storing a unique key in a user's browser. When the user loads a new page, the key is sent to the page and in this way we can find out if the user is logged in and if he has put something in the shopping cart and so on.

If you do not accept cookies in your browser, several of the functions on the websites will not work. This is because the website will think there is a new visitor at every page load.

If you do not accept cookies, your browser can be set so that you automatically refuse the storage of cookies or be informed each time a website requests to store a cookie. Through the browser, previously stored cookies can also be deleted. See your browser's help pages for more information.

This website uses Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how users use the website.

Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports of activities on the website and providing other services in connection with activities on the website and use of the Internet.

If you do not want your visits to our website to appear in the statistics of Google
Analytics, you can install an add-on in your browser by following this link:

Contact details

You can contact us using our contact form on the "Contact us" page.


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